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Tag: Buyers

Extending Cloud

The right tools to make the right decisions Part 1

Cloud computing isn’t emerging, futuristic, or innovative. It’s just a building block in the CIO’s infrastructure arsenal. One piece of evidence: it’s missing from Gartner’s latest Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies. That doesn’t mean that all cloud technologies are commoditized …

Build Shared Services

Build Your Shared Services

CIO Vacancy: Must Bring Own Crystal Ball Build Shared Services: If a time machine that takes you back a year is invented, the most profitable

Human Operating System

Human Operating System

The 5 Disciplines – Compute & The Human Operating System circa 2020 Human Operating System – We’re making everything smarter – from our data centers

The Buyers & Sellers Honesty Dance

The Buyers & Sellers Honesty Dance 2

Buyers & Sellers: In the first part of our series, we examined the implications of IT buyers negotiating positions rather than interests. Neglecting to examine