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Technology, Social Impact, Media and Blockchain

Over the last two decades, RampRate and its founders have built strong connections and a great reputation among senior executives at Fortune 500 companies, large investors, blockchain wizards/founders of successful ICOs, cryptocurrency exchanges and miners, and developers of cutting edge technology. We are excited to share those relationships and skills with emerging companies at this time. As our first incubator services, we are seeking and growing Unicorns to be that are shaping technology, media and blockchain with impact solutions. 

We’ve saved them money, helped them build strategic partnerships, make smarter investments, develop better products and help execute their impact narrative, delivery and outcome measurement. We know what they need and they trust us to fill that demand.

Today we’re making that
network and insight work for you.

Here are just some of the ventures we’ve helped get traction and investment recently:

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Advance Client

Our startup advisory services include:

tilted tablet scorecard

  • The Audit
    • we will ensure that you can deliver on your core promises or help you build a roadmap to doing so, both for the sake of your success and our reputation
  • Positioning and clarity of core value proposition
    • we know your audiences and the core messages that will resonate with them and will ensure that your hits the right note
  • Cleanup and validation of marketing
    • we will help your marketing team shape your investor presentations, white paper, and website into something that’s clear and compelling
  • Critical partnerships
    • connecting you with partners that provide complementary technology and data, a channel to new customers, and other services to stimulate your business
  • Recruiting
    • helping find employees, contractors, advisors, and service providers to grow
  • Social impact strategies
    • in today’s markets, people don’t just invest in profit. They invest to better the world. We’ll help you find that lever to not just do well but do good for others and as important how to measure and report.
  • Strategic research
    • identifying customers, competitors, and partner targets; quantifying market opportunities; interviewing consumers or technology executives and much more
  • Strategy validation
    • no matter what questions you have – from staffing to product roadmap, to partners, our seasoned team will bring experience and data to bear on finding a good answer
  • Token amplification
    • managing liquidity and getting listings on the right exchanges to ensure  share / token price and the trading volume reflects the underlying value of the  technology and or blockchain venture
  • Advisory board membership
    • after our vetting of your project is complete, our CEO (Tony Greenberg) and his  relationships may lend his name and reputation to your venture publicly

Our fees include a mix of equity and tokens, a commission or marketing bonus on revenue  generated, and for more intensive projects, project fees or ongoing retainers.

Our engagement process includes a review of your core presentations and investor materials, white paper, and for those organizations that are down selected, interviews with customers, investors or partners.

Some of our insights on the past, present, and future of the volatile but promising markets:

  • From Supply Chain to the Blockchain: Heal the Body, Mind, & Earth 
    • how did a respected sourcing advisor to Fortune 500 CIOs find itself compelled to help the blockchain movement?
  • Enterprise Blockchain: Can Big Business Co-opt an Existential Threat?
    • the initial impetus for creating the blockchain was fundamentally anarchist and designed to make financial institutions – or even corporations – obsolete. Will this revolutionary spirit be tamed?
  • A Historical Perspective on Blockchain 
    • some would-be revolutions fizzled. Others changed everything. Which one will the blockchain be?
  • What Solutions Are Best Built with Blockchain – Or NOT 
    • where is the potential for disruption greatest while the drawbacks are most manageable?
  • The Ball and Blockchain: Obstacles to a World-Changing Trajectory
    • if the blockchain revolution fizzles, what will be the likely causes? And how do we nip them in the bud?