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Elevating the way Business does Business

VISION - Declarations of the future

  • There is a new model for doing business that is shaped and organized by a company’s purpose, values and societal impact. Organizations understand that behavior, aligned with collective intention is the path to success.
  • Companies are operating holistically and in balance and this has become the default model of how business is done.  There is a path to managing complexity in decisions and transactions such that people experience joy and freedom. 
  • The true cost of the environmental impact of capitalism is part of the model. Companies are achieving efficiency by being in harmony with the world and their environment. Externalities are internalised.
  • There is an emergent transparency and consistency and new forms of value exchange between people and companies.
  • There has been a revolution in the context of work, people are turning work into play. People have realized they are accountable and responsible for their life and the lives of others working with them.
  • We have reshaped the world.


  • Relationships – creating and maintaining connections
  • Responsibility – begins with taking the view: “I’m the source of it.”
  • Ingenuity – we are not afraid of reinventing ourselves or being different from every other business
  • Reciprocity – recognizing and contributing back to the source (holistic or sustainable?)
  • Integrity – we honor our word & mutual trust is paramount