How RampRate is different from other consultants, advisors, analysts, brokers, agents, and others:

Data - We’ve compiled price, capacity, and performance data through 14 years of working with 100+ customers and 1000+ suppliers. We know the questions to ask – and most of the answers before we get started.
Planning Accuracy - Having that data and the skills to turn it into accurate trend models that adjust for location, scale, performance, etc. means that our forecasts are usually within 5%-10% of the final outcome.
SPY Index
RampRate is neutral among all suppliers, with no quotas or volume commitments to meet. If you choose to allow a supplier to pay us a referral fee, it will be a uniform one that’s disclosed to you in detail and discounts (or refunds) your up-front project fees.
Multifaceted Analysis
Selecting a provider and a product set is about more than minimizing costs, risks, time, or complexity. It’s about balancing all of those and many more in a way that puts every exec on your team on the same page. Our scorecards do just that by mapping each exec’s priorities to every IT service quality dimension possible and producing a clear recommendation of the best option.