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Tag: Youtube

Optimize & re-negotiate contracts

Optimize & Re-Negotiate Contracts

Optimize & Re-Negotiate Contracts – 100% job satisfaction in IT is rare – each day brings new headaches. At best you get the usual suspects:

Google as CDN

Google Wrecks the CDN Market

Google Wrecks the CDN Market Last week Google formally launched its Page Speed Service, the latest in a long line of Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Google as CDN

CDN Pricing at Penny A Gig

CDN Pricing Content Delivery Network (CDN) industry watchers recently reported seeing pricing of $.01 per GB of data transferred.  What does this mean? Let’s translate into plain

Contract Renegotiation

YouTube Google’s Phantom Loss Leader

YouTube as a millstone around Google’s profitability is a mirage. Contrary to Credit Suisse’s estimates of a $470M annual loss, Google is more likely losing