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Grant Opportunities

Blockchain/DAO Grant Opportunities
for Projects that Create Social Impact

Enterprise & Blockchain / DAO Grant Opportunities

Funding the Future. Rethinking & Redesigning the Impact. Together. Powered by Ramprate and Menagerie.

The highest economic and societal returns will accrue to those who fund societal impact, philanthropic, innovative,and public good efforts. Companies venture to create both innovation and impact now, and are providing funding to help make it happen. Ramprate and Menagerie have systems in place to incentivize this behavior in a potent and scalable way through the Menagerie platform.

Take a deep breath  and create the applicable intake form below one of our grant sherpas will reach out with next steps:

Grant Intake Form for Grantors                    

Grant Intake Form for Grantees

What’s Your Part?

Are you:
  • Focused on creating societal and environmental impact? 
  • Generating positive externalities and impact levers  & outcomes on society
  • Extending existing ecosystems  [Creating more demand for platforms?]? 
  • Innovative in your org structure, leadership, customer base, etc.? 
  • In our relevant (applicable?)  ecosystems (tech, blockchain, health, identity, social impact, etc.)? 
  • Seek funding for audacious projects ? 
  • Issue grants, especially SDG and ESG validated projects? 
  • Crave a way to verify and report your impact outcomes? 

We Will Matchmake Your Project to Grant Opportunities or Help Start Grantmaking

  • Grants range from $10K-$10M+
    • Non-dilutive org and project funding OR
    • Directed to specific milestones
  • Potential sources:
    • Platform / ecosystem operators
    • Impact-focused enterprises and companies
    • NGOs / government
  • Potential grantees:
    • Startups
    • Enterprises
    • Impact-focused projects

We Are Eager to Help You Join the Movement!

We are on a mission of creating real impact. We Power Purpose-driven Innovation and Elevate the Way Business Does Business. As part of our commitment to achieving it, anyone is welcome to apply for a grant in our grant marketplace. Projects are funded through our partners and could be broad in scope. However, our focus lies on innovative solutions that add value to communities and the Ecosystem.

We’re here to utilize our connections to help you eliminate obstacles slowing you down. Through rigorous business planning, we guide impact-driven entrepreneurs to reach their greatest potential and enter new markets.

Why Us?

RampRate is an impact and technology-focused advisor for enterprises and startups. We connect businesses and projects with grant opportunities. We partner with a pool of like-minded blockchain startups and communities that are change-makers who focus on people, planet and profit. We have access to more gatekeepers than individual investors. RampRate is already managing a portfolio of impact-focused companies

We’re here to utilize our connections to help you eliminate obstacles slowing you down. Through rigorous business planning, we guide impact-driven entrepreneurs to reach their full potential and enter new markets. 

In Dec.2022, we were approved  the B Certified Corporation family and theexplosive  movement of people using businesses as a force for good, across a variety of industries and around the world. Now, we’re part of the Ecosystem that is putting people and the planet before profits, and rethinking what it means to be successful in business.

One of Our Many Success Stories

$4.5M Grant to Kickstart the Change

RampRate innovated with Peter Diamandis and XPRIZE, “the founder of modern decentralized innovation”to plan its evolution – and then connected the dots to align with the goals of several decentralized ecosystems powered by community building platform With our connections, the project was funded by an initial $4.5M grant that funded both external and internal costs of:

  1. Strategy for decentralized community & governance
  2. Legal & tax framework for community incentivization systems
  3. Self-sovereign identity model
  4. Universal wallet
  5. Web3 community incentivization design & implementation
  6. Reputation-based community governance
  7. Self-service creation tools
  8. Community tools implementation
  9. Community launch

Today, we are working on obtaining additional tranches of grants from other parties interested in aligning with XPRIZE’s goals. We are also project managing the organization’s progress towards the target milestones to ensure that ea

Breathe deep and apply with our intake form below one of our grant experts will reach out with next steps:

Grant Intake Form for Grantors           

Grant Intake Form for Grantees

Let’s Talk!

How Can We Help You?

  • Are you on a mission to create positive impact? So are we!
  • Do you have a stunning brand, project, community, NGO, charity organization, or are you an influential person that sees the dream on the web3, blockchain and all its virtues?
  • Are you asking “what is it worth to the early adopters to deploy their systems with their technology, which technology and chains access distribution to enrich my brand?”
  • Does your brand, its mission vision and values include social impact
    for diversity, climate, human rights?
  • Do you find it challenging to maneuver how to access the appropriate programmers, and decipher what chain is right for you and why, and how to govern the community?

Join us to get answers to all of the above.

Let's work together.

Highlight your brand’s true value, and protect its interests and its community’s interests.

There are many web3/blockchain organizations and DAOs eager to fund projects that help move humanity forward in the right direction, across many categories.

If you are interested in seeing if your project or mission aligns with this funding, we want to help. We have a strong track record of matching the right projects to the right funding.

Please complete the short form below, and we will be in touch soon with more details in order to make suggestions for grants that could support your mission.

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