Purpose and Promise
RampRate’s Promise:
Our Promise to our Clients
RampRate makes transparent the often opaque process of optimizing IT infrastructure; purchasing cloud, data centers / colocation, CDNs, managed hosting, support services, telecom and bandwidth. We are objective, accountable, and efficient in our processes. We reduce the costs, time, and risk of your projects. We work tirelessly to earn the honor of your endorsement as we have from 125 other customers.
Our Promise to our Suppliers & Partners
RampRate will deliver the right clients for the products and services you have built with your blood, sweat, and tears. You are essential to your clients and we respect the relationship you have with them. We will work tirelessly with you to know your strengths and areas of focus, and bring you to clients that fully recognize and recommend you every day. If you are not the right fit, we will tell you why. We will reduce the cost, time and risk associated with your customer acquisition.
Our Promise to Ourselves
Be objective. Be smart. Be a consistent source of truth to our clients, our partners and each other. Command respect in the marketplace and from each other and bring massive value to all that we encounter.
Our History
RampRate started as a way to foot the bills for “Work Revolution” – a tech firm that removed friction from companies and teams through the use of personality assessments and software. We then decided to focus on fixing the murky sales driven IT Services sector, intending to remove excess process, risk and money from buyers and sellers. That passion for removing friction remains in RampRate 2014 and in our own vision and evolution. – Tony Greenburg
No Friction means:
Lets get back to internal solutions – operating in pure bliss as humans, childlike, curious and playing from our strengths. “I have to go to work” changes to “I get to go play”! We have a chance to do that here. Better golf scores, more time with our kids, and simply a better life.
It’s a tall order, but it’s worth taking a run at it.
We’ve already started building a truly unique environment. We have nearly everyone participating in the company’s upside in one way or another. We have exceptional mobility and opportunity for anyone to find the right role. We have flexibility in hours and work environments, directly driving value to our clients, our cash flow, or our valuation and challenge every meaningless meeting, unread report, and convoluted process to see how we can shave this overhead down to the bone.
Purpose and Promise – RampRate’s Vision
RampRate eliminates friction and builds partnerships between buyers and sellers of IT infrastructure services (hosting, networks, telecom, content delivery, cloud, people), reducing cost, time, and risk for both sides.
Who We Work For
- Large enterprise Fortune 1000 buyers (eBay, Microsoft, JP Morgan) across all verticals, with large and diverse spends
- IT-intensive businesses ( pharma, health care, internet firms, online gaming, streaming video, social networks)
What We Do
- Solution Architecture helping you find the right platform to put your IT workload on with a clear cost of compute on that workload
- Sourcing of new IT services globally
- Negotiation of IT Infrastructure contracts at expiration or even mid-term
- Ad hoc consulting
At the broadest level, we are building a thought leader platform in the IT infrastructure space – building a company with a set of beliefs, tool, and services about how the IT world operates and establishing our company based on that foundation.
What’s in Our Arsenal:
- HyperSourcing — a framework for aligning buyer needs with supplier capabilities
- SPY Index — a data set of everything needed to calculate the cost, risk, and fit of any service configuration ranging from traditional data center to cloud
- Team from the front lines – including buyers like Amazon Web Services and Fidelity, sellers like Exodus and Navisite, and analyst firms like Gartner and Aberdeen
- Shared compensation model between buyers and sellers that helps underwrite our objectivity
HyperSourcing is RampRate’s software-enabled outsourced service for helping you understand where you are, where you’re going, and then, most importantly, getting you there in terms of your IT infrastructure. Its final output is an optimal contract with an optimal supplier for the optimal solution. In between, it works in four stages or modules: Inform, Interpret, Optimize and Execute.
What You Get as a Buyer
- A no-cost preliminary assessment SnapShot of your spend
- Clarity about what you have and what is available in the market
- Translation of your business needs into an optimal IT infrastructure design
- Precision matchmaking with the best fit supplier for your business needs worldwide
- Tough negotiation backed by collective bargaining power and access to wholesale channels
- Expert consultants who’ve worked with the best IT and procurement teams worldwide
- Tie back the IT spend to a digital service efficiency metric for value of IT to the business indicators of success
Average Outcomes for Buyers:
- 24% reduction in cost
- 80% reduction in time to transact
- 99% reduction in risk of a failed relationship
- Exceptional customer satisfaction
What You Get as a Supplier
- Prospects that are custom-fitted for your strengths, with no tire kicking
- A transparent, data driven quoting process that saves your sales team time
- Objective evaluations that separate true value from marketing hype
- Direct feedback after every transaction as to why you won or lost
- Ability to challenge the incumbent to prove your solutions are better value
RampRate’s Values
Integrity — we will behave as if everyone we cared about was watching
Honor — we will preserve our reputation and earn respect from everyone we touch
Efficiency – we will remove cost and time from our lives as well as our customers’ & partners’
Objectivity – we will treat everyone we work with fairly and impartially, and ensure we are not swayed by emotion or greed in our recommendations and market analysis
Innovation – we will not be afraid of reinventing ourselves or being different from every other business
Accountability and Improvement – we will (as a family) hold each other accountable to our goals and care about each other by providing feedback, areas for self-improvement and constantly strive to improve ourselves and each other
Responsibility – we will take responsibility for our goals and mandates
Everyone’s commitment to each other at RampRate is to:
a) Think independently for themselves and make sense of RampRate’s core principles, values and creed for themselves – and be able to either support or argue against it
b) Not tolerate badness and call it out in a caring yet professional manner
c) Be committed to excellence in everything you deliver – from a simple email to the overall execution of a project, to training others
d) Be committed to evolving – personally and as a corporate entity