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Tag: BlockChain

The Ball and Blockchain

The Ball and Blockchain: Obstacles to a World-Changing Trajectory

The blockchain decentralization revolution may not be the first, but it is well-funded, and led by people that think big. With a dream and billions in funding, what can go wrong? Distractions, disputes, and hubris top the list, with a very dishonorable mention for the industry’s problem of hucksters.

What Solutions are Best Built with Blockchain or NOT

Obviously, not all solutions are a fit. No one is going to be building the next spreadsheet with blockchain. Rather, you need to focus on areas where one of the core strengths of the technology amplifies the value of the solution – or better yet, creates it in a place where centralized approaches are failing.

A Historical Perspective on Blockchain

The blockchain has a small circle of bitcoin billionaires that can break the mold. Some are open advocates of the technology’s revolutionary potential, like Puerto Rico crypto-utopia crowd. Some prefer to remain more anonymous. But make no mistake, the goal of the blockchain game is not to make..