IT Infrastructure Services: A little over a month ago, on a hot and sunny day at a coffee shop in Santa Monica, I bumped into Tony Greenberg, CEO of RampRate Sourcing Advisors, as I was waiting for my double espresso.
I’ve known Tony from years ago, when I was running marketing for one of the world’s first Managed Services Providers during the dot-com explosion in the late 1990’s. He was one of the early executives at Exodus Communications, the first Internet Data Center, and he started RampRate Sourcing Advisors in early 2000 to help companies optimize their IT infrastructure services, thereby lowering costs and reducing risks.
Tony is a pretty fascinating guy. He’s a high-energy successful technology entrepreneur, CEO, thinker and futurist. He knows more about IT Infrastructure services – data centers, CDN, managed services – than anyone I have ever met. Not only does he know the technology inside and out, but he understands, at a very intellectual level, how the vendors (colo, telco, MSPs, cloud, data center) sell – this is key to the unique value that RampRate provides big-name clients, like eBay.
So, after a bit of small talk and catch-up, Tony explained that RampRate was busier then ever, with more clients looking to save on IT infrastructure services – and these aren’t start-ups; these are the who’s who of the world’s most recognized brands. And guess what? The team at RampRate has had the same IT infrastructure services advisory model for going on 15 years now. I’d heard the value prop in the past but it never really sunk in – until now, when Tony told me that he is 99% confident RampRate could save any company at least 1M$ (and 10M$ for bigger companies) on their IT infrastructure services spend.
This got me thinking: If I were to believe Tony, why would a company not take advantage of RampRate’s incredible savings ability? Tony told me that they just don’t know and aren’t out there searching for a firm like RampRate – but they should be!
As a marketer, I am always thinking about ways to promote a company’s unique value proposition – one that really cuts through and sinks in. Whether it be managed services, data center, cloud or other IT infrastructure services, in today’s world of overdone content marketing and non-organic social media (propaganda) and meaningless marketecture buzz, how do good companies, with extreme value, let their value be known, easily?
As we were talking, I noticed the coffee shop promotion posted on the window – the one that I never took advantage of, yet. This got me thinking: What was the last great technology or IT infrastructure services promotion I could remember hearing about in the past couple of years besides “try and buy” or “free assessment”? So, I posed this question to Tony. If RampRate is so good at saving and optimizing and they get paid with the savings, then what is the risk to the client? What about a free promotion – “too cheesy?”
A big smile came across Tony’s face with a calm silence. As it turns out, Tony has had a great RampRate promotion for lowering IT infrastructure services costs brewing for a while now, and he was more than happy to share it with me. We discussed what the perception of running a promo like this is and whether it was “cheesy” or not.
To make a long story short, I am now working with Tony and the RampRate team and am super excited about getting the message out. I’m curious to see if people want to take advantage of free savings on their IT infrastructure services.
If you have interest in checking out the promotion and learning how RampRate can lower your company’s IT infrastructure services costs for free, click here and fill out the form – cheesy or not! Follow me on